
1. Read the writing prompt, but only the prompt. I don't want your writing to be influenced by my (or anyone else's) response.
2. Sit down and spend 15-30 min writing whatever comes to mind. Poetry, prose, whatever you want, just write something. Don't make it something you labor over. Write. Enjoy.
3. Share in the comments.
4. Please keep it PG-13 and under. Don't go all 50 Shades or Chucky on me.
5. There is a time and a place for constructive criticism. This is not one of them. This is a stretching exercise. Please remember the words of Thumper, "If you can't say nothin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
***All material on this site remains the property of the original author. Do not copy or share without permission. Thank you! **

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Dream the Dream

Most of the writing blogs you read will warn you from starting out with a dream.  It's overdone and cliché.  In most cases, I agree.  But for the purposes of today's prompt, we're going to pretend we've never heard that advice. 

This week's prompt: Write a dream sequence.



My response:

I ran my hands over the knobby walls.  Somewhere in the whorls and creases was a switch, and I needed to find it.  Why they had to design hotel rooms like this, I didn't know.  I might have been able to appreciate the gimmick ... if I didn't have to go the bathroom so bad!

I felt the bit under my hand move and give a solid clunk as it sunk into place.  My heart cheered.  And a bed unfolded from the wall.

Darn it.

My hands kept searching.  I moved away from the bed, towards the far corner.  This time, when I felt the switch, a door swung open.  To my relief, the light revealed a modern, sleek bathroom of chrome and floating sinks.  I hurried over to the toilet. 

I turned to the window.  The glass was clear, and a sea of stars floated on the other side of the glass.  I smiled.  Where could you have a clear window in the bathroom, but in space.  I wondered if there was a shade for it when the ship was docked and giggled at my own joke.

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