
1. Read the writing prompt, but only the prompt. I don't want your writing to be influenced by my (or anyone else's) response.
2. Sit down and spend 15-30 min writing whatever comes to mind. Poetry, prose, whatever you want, just write something. Don't make it something you labor over. Write. Enjoy.
3. Share in the comments.
4. Please keep it PG-13 and under. Don't go all 50 Shades or Chucky on me.
5. There is a time and a place for constructive criticism. This is not one of them. This is a stretching exercise. Please remember the words of Thumper, "If you can't say nothin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
***All material on this site remains the property of the original author. Do not copy or share without permission. Thank you! **

Monday, March 23, 2015


I tend to shy away from contemporary writing, but sometimes I find myself marveling at how a contemporary novel can be absolutely engrossing, even when the most exciting thing the characters do is lounge on the couch and scour Netflix for something new to watch.

The prompt for this week is to write something contemporary.  Don't worry about trying not to "date" your piece.  Just write something that could happen today, somewhere in your town (or somewhere you're familiar with). 



My response:

My nail polish was chipping.  I took a deep breath and pressed my jaw together.  No matter how hard I tried, there was always something.  I had a new pair of sensible black pumps, and the left toe had a white streak on it.  The new dress skirt scratched, and I sweated under my silk scarf.  Still, I thought I stood a better chance than the guy my age, with a carefully trimmed beard and sweat stains in his pits. 

I looked up an accidentally caught his eye.  He smiled widely.

Maybe not.  He's a real charmer, and those blue eyes were killer.

If I didn't lose to him, there was the other girl in the waiting room.  Her nail polish wasn't chipped.  Neither were her toes.  Her perfectly bronzed legs crossed neatly and her tailor was better than mine.  If she didn't get the job here, she could walk down the street to Vogue and be their new cover model.

I ground my teeth harder, knowing I shouldn't but unable to stop myself.

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