
1. Read the writing prompt, but only the prompt. I don't want your writing to be influenced by my (or anyone else's) response.
2. Sit down and spend 15-30 min writing whatever comes to mind. Poetry, prose, whatever you want, just write something. Don't make it something you labor over. Write. Enjoy.
3. Share in the comments.
4. Please keep it PG-13 and under. Don't go all 50 Shades or Chucky on me.
5. There is a time and a place for constructive criticism. This is not one of them. This is a stretching exercise. Please remember the words of Thumper, "If you can't say nothin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."
***All material on this site remains the property of the original author. Do not copy or share without permission. Thank you! **

Monday, May 18, 2015

Grab a book #4

I like this kind of prompt for a couple of reasons.  First, we get to see what other people are reading - what book is nearby or on their minds.  Second, it turns out completely random, which adds to the fun.

(Fun Fact:  I have Brandon Sanderson's WORDS OF RADIANCE sitting on my desk, and I was tempted to say "go to page 1024 of the book nearest you".  But unless you also happen to have Brandon Sanderson sitting on your desk - or Les Mis, The Count of Monte Cristo, War and Peace, or the Bible - the book next to you is not likely to have 1024 pages.)

Let's go with page 114, second paragraph, first sentence.



My response:

As I mentioned, I have Brandon Sanderson's WORDS OF RADIANCE.  Page 114, second paragraph, first sentence: "Shallan went to another reference, and before long got completely lost in her studies."

(This is where I think, "Oy!  I should have scoped that out before I picked it.  But that would have defeated the purpose of the prompt."  And, "Evidence of Brandon Sanderson's genius, that he can write about someone doing research and still make it interesting!"  But I digress ...)

"Shallan went to another reference, and before long, got completely lost in her studies."  If she had heard Aran drop the book, she gave no sign.  Still, Aran didn't know how long she'd be able to hide in the shadows of the small alcove.  If Shallan found her there, Aran's life would be forfeit. 

The corner of the heavy tomb pressed against the top of Aran's foot, the opposite corner against the stones.  Aran bent slowly and lifted it, hugging it to her chest.  She took a few deep breaths, painfully conscious of how her heart pounded in her chest.

The thudding of footsteps in the hallway didn't help.

"Shallan!  Hurry!  There's been an accident, and we need you!"  A voice sounded from the doorway, followed by the rusting of Shallan's skirts.

Aran sighed with relief. It was Bryant's doing, of course.  He'd kept his promise.  Aran waited until she was sure the hallway was empty, and then slipped out, the book hidden safely under her robes.

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